Exam System

1. Teaching & Examinations are held according to the syllabus and Booklist of BGB controlled educational Institution situated at Pilkana.
2. Class-XI and XII are divided into five (05) Semesters.
     (a)    Three Semesters in class-XI
     (b)    Two semester in class-XII
3.  Weakly Tutorial, class test Model & Evaluation test are compulsorily held.
4.  Sating of weak students are done to inform the respective guardians & there is arrangement for Special classes for their betterment.
5.  There sis arrangement for Special classes after test Examination.
6.  In collage section result is prepared accumulating 25% of total marks of first & second semester and 50% of Year Find Examination.
7. In school section 50% of obtained marks in the Haifa Yearly Examination and 50% of Yearly Examination are accumulated for the results to be prepared.
8. If a student fails at one subject or subjects in the final Examinations he will be given compulsory Transfer Certificate (T.C).
9. Tree is the decision of expelling student (s) who will engage themselves in doing unfair means in the Exams.

Progress Report
After all Examination such as First semester, second semester, Final or Annual/ Test Examination etc a progress report including result of all exam are sent to the  guardians through students in due time examination script of Evaluation test /2nd semester are shown to the guardians of school except the Annual Examination.

Examination script of Evaluation test college section is sent to the guardians. Besides, guardians have the opportunity to recheck the exam script three days of result publication.